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Yarn procurement!

Yarn procurement!

The other day I went to buy some yarn.

Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture.

There are mountains and rivers and the air is very clean. The sun is strong but the breeze is cool!

It arrived. Just by looking at the box, you can tell this is high quality yarn!!!

At this point, we were all excited.

A mountain of treasure!!!

Every factory and warehouse looks the same, but among the many cardboard boxes

Open the box and pick out the thread.

What you need is strength, stamina and determination (the strength to lift the boxes, the stamina to carry the threads, and the determination to choose good threads even when you're tired).

In the summer, many places do not have air conditioning, so you need to be careful of heatstroke.

The warehouse is dark so I think I'll bring a headlamp next time.

The yarn was so cute that before I realized it, I had picked so many...

I came all the way there and the yarn is just too cute!!!

We picked up a lot of mohair because we heard that mohair prices were rising in the market.

There are lots of beautiful colors...

I had so much fun buying yarn. I think this is what I live for...

This footage will be uploaded to YouTube at a later date.

As soon as the yarn arrives and is ready, it will be uploaded to our stores and online shop.

looking forward to!

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